I mean the query works fine but it is simply duplicating it. In an upcoming GP Premium update, we will be adding a feature to disable the default theme loop allowing you to build out the entire archive template using the GenerateBlocks plugins. So you could build one element that displays a custom query loop on all category archives for example. . Is there a option to disable showing the main post?. In an upcoming GP Premium update, we will be adding a feature to disable the default theme loop allowing you to build out the entire archive template using the GenerateBlocks plugins. 2. Hi. What’s the best way to in GP to set a custom query and then run the loop again with the proper html to display in the blog format I have set in the customizer?Home › Forums › Support › Bug: Double content using content templates in elements This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 5 months ago by David . We take full advantage of the block editor (Gutenberg), which gives you more control over creating your content. php as the home page template (I have set up a static home page). 2. You can make project pages, create GeneratePress block element to showcase projects in a Query loop displaying clickable featured images. php and it does work, but I cannot edit a look of a querry using Generatepress apperance option. 2. Any way to disable default title on post page? Goal: Don’t appear 2x. Home › Forums › Support › Loop Template missing This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 months ago by Leo . They’re all hand-coded template PHP files that use the pro forma coding style of calling the header and footer functions with the template file containing only code for the body of the page. 1 filter_input notice;The way to structure and design how posts appear in the Blog and Archive pages is through a Block Element – Content Template or Loop Template. October 30, 2022 at 8:07 am #2394158. Customer Support. Log In. 2. GenerateBlocks Template Library. Set the Block Element “Portfolio Page” to only appear on the Portfolio page. php, then rename them to they match the slug of your CPT tag like single-project. Its design is simple but very eye-catchy. 3 set the Element > Display Rules to Blog ( and if you want you can set it on your Archives too ) At this point your home page will only show the main query loop with the pagination. So if there are say 12 posts tagged Trending in the archive filter, it will show all 12 posts. Now whichever one you edit will update both places. Very powerful Element, I love it, but it’s not helping me achieve what I want to do. Wayne. 8. This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by Tom. Query Loop. March 15, 2023 at 5:09 am #2568397Installing GeneratePress. Found an old switch. Thanks. php file; this does appear to work, but doesn't make use of my own archive-actors. css. There are also various layout settings for these three in the Customizer. Is there an easy way to use custom css to stick the bottom container (date + author) to the bottom of the template? Creds provided below. Edit the Container Width in the Post Template Block settings. Watch on. 3. Installing GeneratePress. gb-grid-column. Thank you 🙂 GeneratePress 3. Enable the ‘Inherit query from template’ option. GeneratePress Pro. php; content-404. Feature: Add generate_font_manager_show_google_fonts PHP filter. Header Element Template Tags. 3. 6 Publish the Element. I get along very well with the “query loop” function. php you can do: i) Disable the default template: The content template which displays the actual posts in the loop, is displayed using this function: generate_do_template_part( 'archive' ); This calls the relevant content. Specifically, in the Gutenberg interface, the Pages tab in the right side column no longer has a Templates dropdown list. 3. You’ll need the add a Headline Block for instance and alter it via render_block () as get_the_ID () would work. You must NOT add any Params to the Query Loop block, just activate Inherit Query from Template. Then your final loop to show the. Infinite scroll is not working on our website (I've checked in categories using the menu and through the search function, and I'm only receiving 6 blog posts at a time. De Hofmeester is a Dutch catering service with a bunch of delicious-looking food pictures on their GeneratePress-powered website. I tried with both index. 1. The team behind this plugin is the team behind GeneratePress Theme. As for the menu for sub-categories, they may have used a. Now whichever one you edit will update both places. The documentation says “The Loop Template block element allows you to build your own archive loops using the block editor. My question is if there is another way to use Template Tags like {{post_date}} in a Header element and still have post dates display for each entry inside the loop on Blog/Archive. Installing GeneratePress. 2. Menu. 4. I had found the thread you referenced earlier and tried it in the context of a pre_get_posts filter in my functions. BlockPress provides the functionality to generate mega menus, transparent and sticky headers, and over a dozen query loop templates. instead of just one post after the other on the page when you click on a category? Thank youThe Query Loop Block lets you dynamically query your website, to create differently styled pages. COLORS – Take control of your site colors using over 60 color options. php is the template file being loaded so I could simply put content. Hey, I am using query loop for related posts via elements. playsinline – This will make the video auto play on mobile. 0 Feature: Add navigation search modal Fix: PHP 8. 1. 3. But i have not tested this…. The Query Loop block is an advanced block that allows you to display posts based on specified parameters, like a PHP loop without the code. Publish that. Then the Content template which is litterally just the container for your post content. You can renew for a 40% discount after your first year. Brian Jackson – Founder. Tweak: Add message in Blog section about Loop Template; Explore Generatepress Premium Theme Modules. When you use get_the_ID () in a GenerateBlocks or WordPress Query Loop, the returned ID will always be the ID of the current page/post viewed, not the one in the current loop. It’s insanely lightweight, and I’ve already used it to convert all my sites (blogs and ecommerce) over to be entirely block-based. g. php you can do: i) Disable the default. In the GB Query Loop settings, there is an option: Inherit Query from Template – check that, and it will automatically set the query. It works just fine on the single and archive pages for my custom post type already. Breadcrumb: block element type – hook , hook name: after_header. Home › Forums › Support › Missing ‘Loop Template’ as possible Block Element type This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 months ago by Fernando . Then you will need to add custom PHP code to offset 3 posts from the default original post loop. Want to become a premium user? Learn more below. If I disable the loop template, the search results are displayed like products. Go to “Appearance > GeneratePress > Site Library” section. …and could not render a preview. To create a CPT of displaying archives ( Created a custom taxonomy and copied the archives. For the Loop Template, you can enable pagination. 0”. Elements Overview. You can’t use the content template and a static home page for this purpose. playsinline – This will make the video auto play on mobile. pages with the Gutenberg editor More than 50 complete blocks to quickly build websites with design options, ready-made website templates, animations, style presets, and more. is there some workaround to use it on the homepage? January 11, 2023 at 10:18 pm #2492325 2. php and the content-single. 1. Free, Premium and Pro. Make sure to enable “Inherit Query from Template” option in the Loop Template settings. And, I set the template to display on “Author Archives” for “All Users” but there are two issues: 1. Header Element – Page Hero Examples. Using GeneratePress theme for the first time. Thx Ying. The Query Loop Block is a GenerateBlocks feature. The Image Block and the Query Loop Block. As a result I get two identical post list one on top of the other. Advanced Design Options Change colors and typography on your site with one click. In the first column add a Query Loop block to show the first post. Only when I tried with front-page. Elements Overview. Full Changelog. : is_page_template( 'templates/about. php Page Template? I tried both options below: generate_do_template_part( ‘test’ ); and generate_do_template_part( ‘content-test’ ); Both resulted with nothing on the page. Looking for more features? Check out GenerateBlocks Pro. php as the home page template (I have set up a static home page). GeneratePress does not offer you as many features. You can set the GeneratePress Block Elements to. If you select one of those blocks you can Add Parameter in its settings eg. 2. gb-block-image:has(. There is one caveat to my use of GeneratePress though: I use the GeneratePress Premium. This should fix your structure. ? 3. 1 Set Global Styles for Query Loops and Nested Blocks. Below the loop I want to display all available tags of the post type. for Display Rules: All Archives as this will be used on all taxonomies etc. * This is the most generic template file in a WordPress theme * and one of the two required files for a theme (the other being style. $249 for lifetime support/updates;First, install GeneratePress Premium Module. With various block patterns integrated. Go to your WordPress Dashboard, hover your mouse on Appearance, and click on Elements. It’s also lightweight (takes up 61 KB) and it’s completely free to download and use (although it does have a Premium version that we’ll talk about in a bit). Hi guys, When I’m trying to loop through posts on the homepage with code in a custom template, and for each post use a template part that contains code very similar to the ‘content-single. Performance is important to us, which is why a fresh GeneratePress install adds less than 10kb (gzipped) to your page size. 2. Currently 12 post per page are displayed. The content template which displays the actual posts in the loop, is displayed using this function: generate_do_template_part( 'archive' ); This calls the relevant content. I'm in the process of redoing my WordPress category pages. – Add Query Loop > Post/8 per page/ Add parameter / Post Tag > Tag_Name. It brings together the block editor, block patterns, and block-based themes to provide a unified editing experience. But the loop is not displayed. This will display all the posts for the author. Pagination within a post. Add New Template / Template Parts ( those will have to be added in the child theme ). Then, click on the “+” icon to add a new block. Download GeneratePress 3. Create a new content template for the fist posts, and apply it to the first post, select the “ blog content template “as its parent element: 3. The testing block: block element type – hook, hook name: before_footer. CPT single page has specific layout elements as well with metaboxes in two column, two row responsive div, entry for data within Wp admin. Basically, a Content Template is a template for how a single article is displayed in the blog/archive pages. Hi there, it is whatever the site-container width is. Installing GeneratePress. g. Menu. Once GeneratePress Elements dashboard opens up, click on Add New Element, and select Header Element from the drop-down list. Tweets. 2. This is a whole other topic / post. I’m checking the ” Notify me of follow-up” box to follow along. However, from my testing, you will NOT be able to: 1. php but none of those worked. It shows sub-pages in a “card” format with specific information in each (using subpages custom fields etc. So that this highlight does not appear again in the successive pages, I do not know if this is possible or if you know of. php template. Wich template should i add to the Generatepress-child folder to add there my code? Best regarsd, Sergey. Go to “Appearance > GeneratePress > Site Library” section. 3. In my case I think it would be cleaner than using several filters to override the HTML GP creates. Hi there, new to GP/GB. Fix: Mobile menu toggle alignment when navigation above/below header. Choose an Element Type of “Loop. November 13, 2022 at 10:24 am #2413935. Archive page title and description: you can use a block element – page hero to replace the original one. But the 15 posts are being displayed over and over and over down the page. Thank you! GeneratePress - Block Element Content Template Demo. It comes with hundreds of customizable controls professional-designed starter sites and block-based theme development Premium elevates GeneratePress up a notch. php it let me override page. 0. Then move the Query Loop block inside that, March 8, 2023 at 3:42 pm #2560700 I am including the loop at the bottom of the topic. Guillem. I’d like to add some code to display similar products on category pages with low count of products. Creating a Query Loop for the Author’s Posts on Your GeneratePress Archive Page. 2. I have created several Custom Post Types (CPT) and several custom Taxonomies. Add a Container for the hero, inside add 2 column grid. Recipient – Jason will headline and naviigation links (and default site elements) All with blank content, so that I can speed up my page creation. Confirm the Import by enabling the I Understand option. 5. Tom is mainly famous for his lightweight super-fast WordPress Theme –. Hi there, it is whatever the site-container width is. Next, we’re going to create a query loop for the author’s posts. With GeneratePress 3. 19 Following. The shared file is not GeneratePress Premium nulled or cracked; it’s a 100% genuine GPL file, and you can use this GP Premium Theme GPL file on unlimited websites. Hi there, I’m not sure if that’s possible without overwriting their template. Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)Tom Lead Developer. Thanks for the suggestion. Select the Post Template. Starting in GP Premium 2. Donor – Betty with headline and navigation links (and default site elements) 3. From all four tests, GeneratePress was one of the fastest WordPress themes. 2. 0-alpha. Let’s just test if it will show anything. That is exactly how I would do it in GP 3. New: Dynamic data; New: Query Loop block; New: Image block Hi, I’m using blocks to custom titles/header of single post page. I’ve never liked page builders due to bloat, and this is the missing piece to the puzzle. 4 or later; Accessibility: Add label to search modal input;. Editor will be hidden. The "old" way of doing this inside GeneratePress was a little clunky. I have used the awesome “Loop Template” Element from GB Pro to create a custom archives page. 2 Use Multiple Query Loop Blocks on a Single Page to Create a Featured Blog Section. Then, you can replace generate_do_template_part( 'archive' ); with:Im designing a post loop and post template using generateblocks and generatepress. Is the loop template block set up outside of the query loop block displaying the. 1. The category specified within the condition means it won’t run the loop on that particular archive so it won’t interfere with your category archive page made from elementor. October 30. Set the Display Rules -> Location –> Category Archive —> The Specific Term. Home › Forums › Support › Loop Template missing This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 months ago by Leo . Hi David, That’s exactly what I did but for some reason it doesn’t work after changing generate_do_template_part( 'single' ) to generate_do_template_part( 'single-reviews' ) inside single-reviews. The Loop Template block element allows you to build your own archive loops using the block editor. php. Transparent Header and Navigation. But some of them are unique. – Add Container. Add new Loop template. Pagination within a post. If I select “Inherit query from template” in the query loop settings, this works (it filters the posts by the archive). And GP and GB will do the rest. 6 | is one of today's best customizable WordPress themes. = Query Loop = Build a list of posts from any post type using advanced query parameters. GeneratePress has 89 templates as of mid-2023, designed for different kinds of websites and industries. LIMITED time offer, get lifetime free updates instead of 1 year $20. The presentation of each Case Study is managed by a GeneratePress Element of type Block Content Template. Add a paragraph block inside the Post Template container block, then paste the content there. Gave Template a name 4. Choose your layout to start the import. the product search results are influenced by the loop template. However, when I visit the custom post type archive page I do not see what I expect. the loop template’s default width is ? thanks. Browse the collection of Loop templates to find one that fits your needs best. My earlier “solution” for the Blog and Archives was to create a special Header element that did not use those Template Tags, only using {{title}} Template Tag. There are lots o. 3. ). You’ll need to add a new Block Element from the WordPress dashboard under Appearance>GeneratePress>Elements. In the query loop settings I have chosen “inherit query from template”. When I tried to use my own index. edit your Content Template, select the Top level container block, and from its 3 dot menu make it into a Reusable Block. 2. Home › Forums › Support › Loop template – Pagination – Friendly URLs This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 months, 2 weeks ago by David . I am able to create most of things that I want to create but I am struggling with how Queryloop behaves. The content template which displays the actual posts in the loop, is displayed using this function: generate_do_template_part( 'archive' ); This calls the relevant content. New: Dynamic data; New: Query Loop block; New: Image blockHi, I’m using blocks to custom titles/header of single post page. It’s not working for all users. In The editor you can now add your content. Use the snippet that Fernando provided. php template. Hello, created the blog with a query loop block, on the first page of the post, I created a block above this query, I wanted to know if you know of any way to hide this block on the following pages of the query “/blog/?query-page =2”. And now with WordPress 6. I've got a GeneratePress loop template that pulls in the post's featured image. Home › Forums › Support › Loop template – Pagination – Friendly URLs This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 months, 2 weeks ago by David . 1. SITE LIBRARY – Importable demo sites to give you a headstart on your next project. I don’t see how to use templates in GeneratePress. To get started, duplicate the Layout Five Query block. Hi Jusung, The layout you currently have won’t work on a default Shop page. Edit the Element Content Template, in the sidebar with the Element tab selected, check the Keep default post container this will give you the separated containers. Along the line of ordering. php it let me override page. In this query loop you can set the Add Parameter and choose Offset to mis out the first post. So I created a block element set to content template, and added the new GB query loop block set to display 15 posts. I have 4 elements for Archive Pages: Site Header, Page Hero, Site Footer, and Loop Template. gb-query-loop-item > . Query Loop Overview. Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)Dear GB team. February 17, 2023 at 1:23 am #2536478. This should generate pagination for the Loop. 2. Move along! October 26, 2022 at 11:06 am #2388469. loop – This will make the video loop infinitely. e. All Topics. Feature: Add read more label filters. 2 set the Apply to -> First Post. Set the Block Element “Portfolio Page” to only appear on the Portfolio page. Breaking up longer posts by manually by using the following tag: <!--nextpage-->. This is how I’m using it:1. All others are working fine, but Loop Template is not working. From all four tests, GeneratePress was one of the fastest WordPress themes. A couple of things that you can create using this block are; Related Posts in GeneratePress; Latest Post using GenerateBlocks; A 3-column Magazine style Post Grid; Custom Blog Layout using Query Loop and Content. Niek. However, I´d like to have it in the Query Loop block unter the entry title. How do I display query loop horizontally? I’d like to display it with image above and the tile below like the screenshot below:. Skip to content. 0. GeneratePress. – Start From Scratch grid. Objective: Create a CPT with a flexbox “grid box like” layout for archive page, custom layout for CPT single template. In each column add a query loop – 3. loop – This will make the video loop infinitely. gb-container > . Blocksy: After installing Blocksy theme, you’ll be prompted to add the Blocksy companion plugin which adds several additional models and allows you to import demo templates. 6 | GeneratePress Theme Premium Nulled v2. What is New in GeneratePress Premium v2. The GeneratePress Loop Template Element 12th January 2023 13th November 2022 Recently, a new feature was introduced to GeneratePress Premium. Then, edit the GenerateBlocks Query block to set the “Posts Per Page” to 3. When you add a query loop to a static page, its doesn’t change or affect the template, its still a static page. 4. = Performance = We take performance seriously. Insert the block into the page. Want to become a premium user? Learn more below. 2 — things got a whole lot easier!In. It’s working fine on the default archives. That should work. You should see a clean header element like the. 1 The content should include a GB Query Loop Block that you can set to Inherit Query from Template or set the Params manually to match your term. Hello, I’ve created e query loop for a CPT on my website and I just noticing that it is giving back a double list of the posts. 3. October 9, 2022 at 7:56 am #2367920. Hi guys ! I have build a custom template inside the GeneratePress Builder for one of my CPT. Organize your content into rows and sections. 2. g the width of your Customizer > Layout > Container is ( minus any sidebars ) or if you use a Layout Element to make it Full Width or set a different container width. The end goal is just to have a classic two-column post archive with a 3rd column sidebar. Tried it in additional css and styles. Cannot Be Used Inside The Loop. June 21, 2022 by Tom This is a groundbreaking release with tons of awesome new features that really take GenerateBlocks to the next level. GeneratePress. To have the tax/pages URL structure would require an Archive template. 7. Add a Query Loop. 4. For today you may be best using your current solution for displaying those complex lists. Do not know if I am missing something small or substantial. Open the List View. However everytime the page loads the query loop, it presents the templates selector with examples and “start blank”. Header Element Template Tags. Recipient – Jason will headline and naviigation links (and default site elements) All with blank content, so that I can speed up my page creation. I need to add paging navigation at the end of category query loop, in the “category archive” element. The Query Loop Block is a GenerateBlocks feature. php file I noticed that no matter what I did, GP was always using page. You can: 1. I want to customize the result page of my website “—-” same with the homepage or something like “just the image and tittle. GeneratePress Pro Site Library with Demos. April 12, 2023 at 8:51 am #2607474. Access the Site Editor. You have the Single template, which contains the Loop and the stuff outside the loop, e. Pagination allows your user to page back and forth through multiple pages of content. Another change we did was replace the standard get_template_part() function with generate_do_template_part(). For all the 3 query loop blocks, set the posts per page to 1.